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Logo for OCDefy

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is Debilitating. Obsessions and compulsions Destroy us. Let's make a change. Let's Defy OCD.  

Read Creative Pieces and Personal Stories

Creative works, such as poems, short stories, drawings, songs, etc., by me and others who have experiences with OCD will always be featured to the public. Furthermore, personal stories from those who have experiences with OCD will be displayed. Everyone who has experienced or experiences OCD is welcome to submit their own work.

Be a Part of OCDefy

Everyone who has experiences with OCD is encouraged to contribute to the creative work and personal story pages of the website. Contribute to helping yourself and others Defy OCD. 

Woman suffering from the obsessions involved in OCD

Source: International OCD Foundation

Learn About OCD

Deepen your understanding of what OCD is and is not and why it happens. Learn about what you can do to treat your OCD.


Get Scientific

Learn about what happens in the brain in those who suffer from OCD. Learn about how to use this scientific knowledge to your advantage.

Clipart image of the brain to show its importance in OCD

And Get Historical

OCD symptoms can be dated back as far as the 14th century. Learn about how the term for OCD has developed and how the diagnosis of the disorder has changed drastically.

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